Labels:bulletin board | sky | window OCR: Cymba 3 : Clash Suspended Sizzle Hi-Hat Chinese inger Cro ta Se of small tched cymbal There great of var iance from set set Most common Di tched from c7 c8 ways ter bn8 lower than concer Di CH Gongs Tam tams Chinese Water Bells Cow or Animal SAI mgl I ocken> Hand Ship Bel I Tree Latir ins ibras lap Jawbone Mex i can Bean Cas tanets Cabasa Mar acas Guiro Other perc Triang claves pooM BI locks Tambour Ine Log or^ Slit Drums Temp Blocks Sistrum, lexa tone Ratche Wh i ps and Slaps ticks, ind or Bamboo Ch imes Bumbass Chains Brake Drums dbap AImg BelI Latin inst Vibras TempI BlocH Ratchet Wind Banboo